Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pity Party, Table for One

I don't know what my deal is lately, but I've been having a pretty stellar pity party for myself.  Its not like anything is wrong, I've just been feeling down and out.  Although I think I know where this is coming from: my job situation.  Things at work have been not so great, all of the teachers are stressed, kids are nuts, and paras are starting to feel under appreciated with talk of having to cut back on staffing for next year.  And me, I'm starting to get tired of being just a para.  I'm tired of not getting to teach.  I'm tired of not having music in my life on a daily basis.  I'm tired of having to run flash cards or have students read me a book or cut out laminate or make copies or distribute gallons upon gallons of ketchup, ranch, salsa, or BBQ sauce or stand around for indoor recess duty.  I've been finding myself thinking, "I went to college for five years and I'm doing this?"  Then, I found out that I'm not going to get to apply for the job that I had been putting all my hopes in for a music job for next year all because I'm currently not a certified LPS staff member. 

BUT I've got to remember that all of these thoughts are just Satan trying to wear me down and win me over.  I've got to remember that this is all apart of God's plan, and I've got to be thankful for what He has give me.  The Women's Bible Study Group at church is doing the Beth Moore study, Living Free.  Which is all about giving every thing over to God.  Which is really what I need right now.  Its funny how God just makes everything fall perfectly into place.  So right after I had a breakdown thinking I was going to be a para for the rest of my life, I discovered a job opening for next year!  Its in a small town in between Lincoln and Omaha called Gretna.  So everyone pray for God's will and guidance in this whole process for me.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm still staying positive.  I'm giving this to God and stepping aside.  And trying to leave my pity party in the past.  Maybe I'll just watch a sappy movie and cry it out for an hour. For some reason I think that might just help!
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.  
2 Samuel 22:2

Monday, February 13, 2012

Where For Art My Snow Day?

Last weekend I was super pumped to wake up to snow!  Since it was Saturday, we stayed in our jammies and watched Netflix untill I couldn't stand it.  Then I made Geoff layer up and head outside!  We romped around with Roscoe and made a snowman.  We attempted to sled, but with our make-do-storage-tub-lid sled, we weren't too successful.  None the less, we had a blast!  The only bummer was that the snow came on a Saturday and we couldn't have a snow day.  So this morning when we woke up and I checked my phone and Facebook, I was super bummed to read about the excitement and joy of the snow day back home in Joplin.  We got snow today.  Our roads were really slushy and not even plowed, but we trooped out there just to get our students the education they need. Joy.

I've been praying for quite a while now that we could get at least one snow day.  In our school calendar there are 5 built in snow days, weather we use them or not, we are still going on those days.  Soooo, why not use one or two.  So far Jesus has answered my prayers with a "not right now" answer, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed on Wednesday when we are supposed to get our next round of snow!

On another note, last week we got to go to the Nebraska vs. Michigan game.  And of course Michigan won and Geoff was in hog heaven.  I just hope that someday we can make it up to Ann Arbor to see Michigan on their own turf.  I'm kinda of surprised to say that I'm sad we have gone to all the basketball games we got tickets for this year.  I really enjoyed going to the games.  I didn't get to just watch football/basketball games in high school and college so being apart of the crowd was a new and fun experience!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Herro February!

Where did January go?  Time went by so fast this month and I've seriously neglected our blog.  But honestly nothing too major has happened this month.  We are starting to really settle into our lives here in Lincoln.  We are starting to have "activities" outside of work, which is exciting.  But it also makes me realize how lazy we have been.  I get pooped out because we aren't spending all evening on the couch.  We are so lazy that we have nicknamed our laziness Couch Island.  Can I just say that I love Couch Island; especially Couch Island weekends. 

So here is a quick wrap up of our adventures in January:
  • We have had crazy weather! Some of the clolest and warmest days for this month! 
  • Geoff has started his monthly promotions at work and have been a huge success! 
  • I started teaching an after school club called Crafter's Corner on Wednesdays.  
  • Geoff has started doing the visuals for worship at church.
  • I started attending Women's Bible study at church.  Again, I'm the youngest one there, by at least 10 years, but the ladies are so fun and welcoming!  I'm looking forward to our Beth Moore Study starting in February.  
  • I'm stalking the job postings page daily for teacher jobs next year.  
  • I got majorly sick, but I survived, thanks to lots of sympathy and loving care from Geoff. 
  • Geoff and I looked back on this past year and all it's events and have marveld at how God has made our lives tons and tons and tons better than it ever could have been. 
  • My parents and Grandma Gabby (the dog) came to visit us! 
  • Roscoe turned TWO years old!!! 
I think that pretty much sums up our January.  I promise not to neglect our blog this month.  Who knows, my next blog may contain stories of our fabulous snow adventures.  We are awaiting the arrival of 10-12 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow.  I don't care what Geoff says, just because we don't have kids doesn't mean that we can't build snowmen and go sledding!!