Friday, May 4, 2012

High Five for Friday!!

I cannot take credit for this post idea.  One of the blogs that I follow and love, The Small Things Blog, does a High Five For Friday post every week and I think I'm going to join in as well.  So without further adieu, My Top Five for this week!

1. I've sat poolside twice, count em, twice this week!  I'm loving this summer like warm weather we are having in the first week of May.  It absolutely rocks!  I'm starting on my tan early this year.  By no means am I going to end up as dark as the crazy tan lady that's been all over the news this week, but I will definitely not glow in the dark come June.  

2. I got to see the Google earth camera car today!  It was during kindergarten second recess and it drove right by our school!  This was a first for me, and pretty cool.  I definitely freaked out like a kindergartener when I saw it.  So you all need to check out 5000 Mike Sholl St. Lincoln, NE in a month or so.  If you see a blonde headed girl wearing a plaid sleeveless top and jean capris on the playground, thats me!!!

3. I got a job(s)!!! Well for the summer anyways.  I will be the newest checker at Sams Club North Lincoln and be teaching private music lessons at the Fallbrook YMCA.  I'm pretty excited and hey, at least one of them lets me use my degree!

4. Geoff had super exciting and successful business meetings and a business lunch this week.  I love watching him grown and bloom and be successful in something that he loves. 

5.  Our little porch garden is starting to produce!  We have several cherry tomatoes growing, sprouts of hot peppers and jalapenos and one little bitty strawberry.  I'm excited to see what we get this summer! 

Thats it!  The top 5 for the week!  I'm looking forward to keeping this up for a while, so I hope you enjoyed.  Did you have a top five for this week?  We would love to hear about it!