Sunday, October 28, 2012

Roscoe Rambling

I've come to the realization that there is not enough Roscoe on this blog.  I mean, after all, he is THE most important member of our family.  I look back to almost three years ago when Geoff and I became the three of us.  I had no idea how much this forever shedding, slobber king would worm his way into my heart.  I love knowing at the end of my very long days, I have him and Geoff waiting to cuddle with me.  All he has to do is look at me with those big, sad, dopy, brown eyes and I know I'm loved.  I honestly believe that I would not have survived our big move to Lincoln with out him.  He kept me company on those first lonely days and gave me a reason to fall in love with our Dyson.  He is our little buddy and loves to follow me around the house in whatever I am doing.  I love that it is getting colder which means he loves to cuddle longer at night and keep my feet warm!  I love this 67 pound guy.  And life without him? I don't ever want to think about it. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Everythings Up to Date in Kansas City

A couple of weekends ago Geoff and I met my parents and the Pettits in Kansas City for the Pitt State vs. Northwest Missouri Fall Classic at Arrowhead.  This was my very first game as an alum and I was super stoked.  Last year, Geoff and I did not make it to one football game, even our big win last year at Arrowhead!! So I was really looking forward to a Pitt State win.  But alas, that was not to be in the cards.  I won't even mention what happened this past weekend at Homecoming.  (Gorillas!?!? WHAT is going on?  You play football....remember?) Despite the torrential rain, lighting and the major upset, it was a pretty great weekend in pretty great company.  I was excited to see some old friends and be around some Gorillas.  Nothing beats Pitt State football.  Nothing.

Sunday was spent doing some major retail therapy.  It was fun to get to do some shopping with my Mom and to get to joke around with my Dad.  I really miss them, and just doing everyday stuff with them.  I guess it just makes us treasure the time we do get to spend together.

Waiting in the car.....on the rain.

With my main Gorilla, Gus!

Chritta!!! SO HAPPY to see you!!!

Waiting on the rain.....Isn't that a song?

With my Momma!

I've missed this!

 On a different note, Christmas is like literally around the corner.  No really, SDC opens their Christmas season on November 3rd! AND I'm missing it for my Cousin Danielle's Bachelorette party. This just proves how much I love her! I seriously love this time of year.  I think this year, I am most looking forward to spending time with Family!! I miss them!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Since about last Wednesday, Geoff and I have been on a little bit of a Sickcation. Geoff has been battling quite the toothache, but I guess that's what happens when you haven't been the dentist since high school.  He broke down on Wednesday and called to make a dentist appointment for Monday.  We ended up at the Doctors on Thursday morning with an emergency visit.  His face was so so so so swollen and he was in a lot of pain, and trust me, no one has ever experienced pain like Geoff Karhoff has experienced pain.  Unfortunately we were sent home with antibiotics and Vicodin to take care of a nasty infection that was hindering the Dentist from doing his job.  So we I was in store for a fun, fun weekend.  Luckily the meds took care of the infection and the pain until Monday morning when the tooth came out.  Geoff named his tooth Henry (pronounced the French way like "ahnrey") since it was being so ornery.  Today it was back to work for both of us since I got to partake in Sickcation on Thursday and Monday.  I was really thankful for this though because we got to spend some much needed time together.  I feel like I hardly get to see my Husband anymore, and we loved every moment we got to be together. 

Things learned during Sickcation: 
1. Geoff's insurance ROCKS
2. Vicodin only costs $2.30.  A-MAZ-ING
3. Geoff is super fun on Vicodin.  Super fun.
4. We both could get used to sitting around and doing nothing.  No wonder so many people live of the government.
5. Geoff does not like pictures taken of him whilst sick.  Hence no pictures of Geoff's chipmunk cheek.  :(
6. Tooth aches are no fun, so make sure you brush your teeth!