Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Very Merry Belated Christmas

Well I'm still here.  (Just in case anyone was wondering.) Geoff, Roscoe and I had a great Christmas.  It was so jam packed with family and fun we're just now starting to feel "normal" again! Since we were gone for nearly 10 days, I'll save you all the wordy details.  
My Birthday; pit stop in St. Joe for Chick-Fil-A

Went to Silver Dollar City with Mom, Dad, Hannah, Uncle Kelly, Aunt Genie, John and Julia 

 We were there for 12 hours....

 Christmas at my Parent's house
 Christmas waffles at Geoff's Parent's house
Roscoe got the most presents.
 Uncle Stan reading the Christmas Story on Christmas morning.
 Danielle's wedding preparations.
 Christmas at Grammy and Grangrad's
 Geoff is such a stud.
 Practicing for the Big Day!
 Trying not to cry or freak out.
 Geoff was probably the most handsome, good lookin man there!
 I always love time with my Grammy and Grangrad
Geoff's Birthday at Josh and Nicole's house.

It was busy, and we were tired, but it was soooo worth it! I loved being with our family.  It's times like these that really make me wish we lived closer.  I just love being around for everything.  On the same note, we were glad to get back to our place, and Roscoe was really glad to have his poop corner back.  I hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hippos Birdies

Hello probably all 10 people that read my blog! Most of you know that I'm still alive, but since I haven't blogged in like years (well years according to Roscoe's), err months I'm going to be catching you up in the next few days.  So here goes....

On December 21st, 2012 I, Holly Ann Karhoff, turned 25.  Gulp.  Normally I love Birthdays, and I stilled loved my Birthday, but 25 is really bothering me.  I'm 25...eeeww.  Now that I'm closer to 30 than 20 (mucho sad face) I've decided that its time to get some stuff done.  So, I've mad a list of 30 things I would like to do before I'm 30.  And I'm sure that this will make for interesting blogging.  I'm sharing this with you to help me be accountable and motivate me to accomplish these things.  Drum roll please! DDDDRRRRRRRR CHING!

Holly's 30 Before 30 in no particular order

1.Buy a brand new car!
2. Buy a house
3. Get my dream job, Elementary Music Teacher
4. Start a family.  A.K.A. have a baby
5. Climb a mountain
6. Run a 5K
7. Take adult dance lessons.....maybe tap? ballet? clog?
8. Go to Disney
9. See a Broadway show on Broadway
10. Have one more fun, no responsibilities college night
11. Get another Basset.  Roscoe really wants a sister
12. Go to the Today show
13. Be in a Community Theater Production
14. Start and finish the One Year Bible
15. Visit Grandma Barb in Florida
16. Take Geoff to a Michigan game in the Big House
17. Watch Gone With The Wind (How have I never seen this movie?)
18. Play Bingo at a Bingo Hall
19. Go on a mission trip
20. Learn to shoot a gun!
21. Go on a cruise (Alaska maybe?)
22. Be debt free
23. Get more involved in Women's ministry at church
24. Finish crocheting the blanket I've been working on for-ev-er
25.Go Brunette for a bit!
26. Go on an "all girls getaway"
27. Learn to honestly sew
28. Be better at printing and albuming pictures
29. Write more snail mail letters and send birthday cards out on time!
30. Read 12 books for fun in one year.
Geoff took me to Chick-Fil-A in St. Joe for my Birthday!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Merry Michigan Day

WARNING: This blog contains impressive football knowledge by me, Holly Karhoff.  You may be very, very, very, very impressed.

Well the day of all days finally came.  In Geoff's nearly 26 years of living and loving of everything U of M he finally got to see a Michigan football game in real life.  Granted, it was at the University of Nebraska's Memorial Stadium, but you take what you can get.  I think he barely slept at all the night before; it truly was like a kid before Christmas.  And I have to admit, I was kind of excited myself.  Since marrying him, I have become a big Michigan fan by default.  Who knew I would look so stunning in Maze and Blue?

We got all layered up and decked out to head out to the game.  Of course we wanted to take in the atmosphere of game day downtown and chose to eat at a new pizza place called Toppers.  I think what cracked me up the most was all the "WELCOME TO NEBRASKA!"s we received.  We finally got tired of explaining that we lived just 10 minutes away and started saying "THANKS!"  Plus it was fun to see other Michigan fans and exchange our "GO BLUE!"s. 

I, my self, was really super nervous for the game.  I wanted Michigan to beat Nebraska so badly.  We beat them last year, were ranked number 22 to an unranked Nebraska, and just the weekend before Michigan received its 900th win! So you would think the odds were in Michigan's favor.  Things were going good in the first quarter.  Although Michigan was close to scoring a TD several times, they all ended in field goals.  This was impressive since their kicker is an underclassman and is only capable of making field goals within 25 to 30 yards.  He pulled it off for us, many times!

Then, the unthinkable happened.  Denard Robinson got injured.  At first, we all thought it was just a minor injury and would be back in the game in the second half.  But after the half, he came out in a coat.  NOOOOOOOO DENARD!!!!  WHYYYYY!!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!?!?!?  Turns out, messing up a nerve in your elbow is not so good if you are a quarter back.  Maybe if he would tie his shoelaces every once in a while you might not be so susceptible to tripping and leading to an injury.  Just sayin.....

The game went on with Nebraska  scoring a few TDs and ended in a 23-9 final score.  Michigan went for three consecutive games with out a TD.  Sad day for the Mighty Blue.   I think Geoff was ok with the outcome, considering the majority of Michigan's offense (Denard Robinson) was gone the majority of the game.  All in all, it was a pretty fantastic day despite the loss.  If was fun to get to cheer on our team in real life, AND I got free popcorn at the end of the game. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Roscoe Rambling

I've come to the realization that there is not enough Roscoe on this blog.  I mean, after all, he is THE most important member of our family.  I look back to almost three years ago when Geoff and I became the three of us.  I had no idea how much this forever shedding, slobber king would worm his way into my heart.  I love knowing at the end of my very long days, I have him and Geoff waiting to cuddle with me.  All he has to do is look at me with those big, sad, dopy, brown eyes and I know I'm loved.  I honestly believe that I would not have survived our big move to Lincoln with out him.  He kept me company on those first lonely days and gave me a reason to fall in love with our Dyson.  He is our little buddy and loves to follow me around the house in whatever I am doing.  I love that it is getting colder which means he loves to cuddle longer at night and keep my feet warm!  I love this 67 pound guy.  And life without him? I don't ever want to think about it. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Everythings Up to Date in Kansas City

A couple of weekends ago Geoff and I met my parents and the Pettits in Kansas City for the Pitt State vs. Northwest Missouri Fall Classic at Arrowhead.  This was my very first game as an alum and I was super stoked.  Last year, Geoff and I did not make it to one football game, even our big win last year at Arrowhead!! So I was really looking forward to a Pitt State win.  But alas, that was not to be in the cards.  I won't even mention what happened this past weekend at Homecoming.  (Gorillas!?!? WHAT is going on?  You play football....remember?) Despite the torrential rain, lighting and the major upset, it was a pretty great weekend in pretty great company.  I was excited to see some old friends and be around some Gorillas.  Nothing beats Pitt State football.  Nothing.

Sunday was spent doing some major retail therapy.  It was fun to get to do some shopping with my Mom and to get to joke around with my Dad.  I really miss them, and just doing everyday stuff with them.  I guess it just makes us treasure the time we do get to spend together.

Waiting in the car.....on the rain.

With my main Gorilla, Gus!

Chritta!!! SO HAPPY to see you!!!

Waiting on the rain.....Isn't that a song?

With my Momma!

I've missed this!

 On a different note, Christmas is like literally around the corner.  No really, SDC opens their Christmas season on November 3rd! AND I'm missing it for my Cousin Danielle's Bachelorette party. This just proves how much I love her! I seriously love this time of year.  I think this year, I am most looking forward to spending time with Family!! I miss them!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Since about last Wednesday, Geoff and I have been on a little bit of a Sickcation. Geoff has been battling quite the toothache, but I guess that's what happens when you haven't been the dentist since high school.  He broke down on Wednesday and called to make a dentist appointment for Monday.  We ended up at the Doctors on Thursday morning with an emergency visit.  His face was so so so so swollen and he was in a lot of pain, and trust me, no one has ever experienced pain like Geoff Karhoff has experienced pain.  Unfortunately we were sent home with antibiotics and Vicodin to take care of a nasty infection that was hindering the Dentist from doing his job.  So we I was in store for a fun, fun weekend.  Luckily the meds took care of the infection and the pain until Monday morning when the tooth came out.  Geoff named his tooth Henry (pronounced the French way like "ahnrey") since it was being so ornery.  Today it was back to work for both of us since I got to partake in Sickcation on Thursday and Monday.  I was really thankful for this though because we got to spend some much needed time together.  I feel like I hardly get to see my Husband anymore, and we loved every moment we got to be together. 

Things learned during Sickcation: 
1. Geoff's insurance ROCKS
2. Vicodin only costs $2.30.  A-MAZ-ING
3. Geoff is super fun on Vicodin.  Super fun.
4. We both could get used to sitting around and doing nothing.  No wonder so many people live of the government.
5. Geoff does not like pictures taken of him whilst sick.  Hence no pictures of Geoff's chipmunk cheek.  :(
6. Tooth aches are no fun, so make sure you brush your teeth!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do as the Huskers Do...

A couple of weekends ago, Geoff and I took one of his customers to the Nebraska vs. Arkansas State game.  Yes, we attended a Nebraska game, in Nebraska gear and cheered when Nebraska cheered.  Although we aren't the biggest Husker fans (Ok we're not Husker fans at all), it was still pretty fun.  I had never attended a Division I game before so this was a new experience for me.  I was slightly prepared for the madness since I was around it last year, but I just had no  Husker fans are weird/crazy.  And a little out of control.  I mean, who wears red and striped overalls with no shirts like its normal? Anyways.....Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure. 

Geoff was truly thrilled to be wearing his Husker shirt at a Husker game. 


Kick it ladies!

View from our seats.
Don't you see us? I'll give you a hint, we're wearing red.
Free Popcorn!!
After the game we went out to for wings with Geoff's customer.  Which was super good!  I think we will go back to get wings again.  But once we got home, Geoff immediately put on his Michigan gear.  To quote, "I just feel more comfortable."