Sunday, April 17, 2011

Its only the begining...

I have kind of been interested in blogging for quite a while.  I read a few blogs and knew I eventually wanted to start a blog of my own.  And considering the past events I think now is the perfect time to start.  Just to catch everyone up Geoff and I got engaged on March 13, 2010 in Holly, CO.  We are getting married on June 18 (62 days!!) at First United Methodist Church in Joplin.  Until recently, we thought we would be living in El Dorado Springs, Mo with Geoff and I both working for the School.  We even had a cute little house we were renting and would be starting our newlywed lives in.  Well in January that ALL changed.  Due to circumstances really beyond our control, Geoff resigned from his job, moved back home to Joplin and started working for Consolidated Electric Distributors.  This meant that we both were living at home with our parents and didn't have a place to live once we got married.  And to top it all of, due to some personal issues we were churchless and pastorless as well!  It was really rough for a while.  We are both planners and thought we had it all figured out, but God had different plans.  So much has changed in just a few short months.  It took God taking us to rock bottom, for us to be out of control, to realize that we had put limits on what we were allowing him to do in our lives.  I've always said I will never put God in a box, but I did!  How shameful I am of this.  Through our journey, and trust me He is not even close to being done, we are realizing just how much better He had for us.  Someone recently asked us where we would see our selves in 5 years and we just laughed.  How do we know?  If you would have asked us the same thing two months ago our answer would be worlds different from today's answer.  So here we go, the beginning of our blog.  So many exciting things are happening, just stay tuned! 

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